Majestic whales in their oceanic kingdom
Since the sea ice prevents us from entering these waters during the majority of the year — please note, that this tour is exclusively available from August throughout October.
In the early afternoon, we deport from the Tasiilaq harbour and venture south through the astonishing King Oscar’s fjord. From here, we reach the open ocean south of the Ammassalik Island. On our way, we will pass by a multitude of glorious icebergs that float gracefully around in the fjord and its outlet.
Once we reach the open sea, we are starting our lookout for the grandiose whales. In this particular area, we frequently spot humpback, minke and fin whales. Occasionally, we are also lucky enough to spot the fascinating orca whales — also known as killer whales.
The whales are found in this specific area because small salmon fish called capelins spawn in the Kuummiut fjord during May. This provides for an excellent food source for the whales who subsequently, gather to feed here during the spawning season. Hereafter, the orcas arrive since the young whale calves of the other species are easy prey and an excellent feeding source for the killer whales.
We will cruise around the area and take in the magnificent meeting with the whales as the sun is setting over the island. Ultimately, we then start our journey back and return to Tasiilaq in the evening.

Kayaking — a meeting between tradition and modern adventures
More than 4000 years ago, the kayak travelled with the very first arctic settlers to Greenland. It was — and is still — used as a very effective hunting instrument and transportation device. The Greenlandic people incorporated the kayak fully in their everyday life and in present day, it is still one of the definite cultural symbols of the Greenlandic way of life.
We invite you to go kayaking with our local guide into the Tasiilaq fjord and get up close and personal with the stunning icebergs. You will get an authentic feeling of how the Inuits navigated — and still navigates — the ice and water for fishing and hunting purposes.
We can plan tours for both day - og evening time, and the trip usually lasts 2–3 hours.
No experience is needed, and the tour is absolutely safe.
A night with Aurora borealis and the Atlantic ocean
The Northern Lights are most visible in Greenland from the end of August and into the early spring season. Therefore, this is — without a doubt — the best period for observing this amazing and spectacular phenomenon. On clear crispy evenings, you get the absolute best views.
Our tour sets off at 10pm by boat. We will sail along the town and head into the open Atlantic Ocean. Once on the open water, we turn off the boat’s engine and let the power from the Northern Lights and the sound of the sea envelope us. We will stay warm and cosy while sipping on a cup of hot chocolate and together, we will enjoy this mesmerising and unforgettable experience.
We will return to the harbour approximately 2 hours after departure.
Fishing trip
Join us on this amazing fishing trip, and get the chance to not only appreciate the astonishing Greenlandic nature by boat, but also the opportunity to experience playful whales pass us by — if we are lucky.
We will set off to catch cod in the beautiful Tasiilaq Fjord, or we can choose to venture towards Tuno (close to the airport) where the fish are known to be even bigger. Either way, this trip is every angler’s dream adventure.
It is important to us to never to let any of nature’s ressources go to waste. Therefor, we always bring the fish, we catch, back to either prepare for our own dinner or to donate to some of the local families who do not own boats themselves.
The trip is approximately 2-3 hours long and the fishing gear is included.
Interested in an evening tour by boat?
Please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss your wishes.